Cloud Based Fuel Monitoring
IPU Cloud Based Fuel Monitoring Solution is the latest item in our portfolio – but the significant advantages this offers to our customers makes it IPU’s most exciting offering for 2021. We want to provide our customers with the very best products, which is why we are leading the way for the new ‘standard’ in fuel polishing.
Register for an upcoming virtual demonstration here. You can see our system in action and talk to our team about using it in your application.
IPU now offer cloud integration for remote monitoring in real-time. This provides site operators with the critical connectivity and insight into the condition of stored fuels that they need. Perfect for the power generation, fuel management and critical uptime sectors, this latest innovation is a significant advancement compared to existing fuel condition monitoring portals. Immediate information transfer such as this, also enables operators of IPU Fuel Polishing systems (both mobile and on-tank) to constantly monitor their fuel condition at any location across the globe.
Video: IPU’s cloud-based monitoring system
Why cloud based monitoring?
It’s often the case that sites are huge, or you’re responsible for looking after several of them. It’s impossible to be in several places at the same time and oversee every piece of equipment. That’s where IPU’s cloud monitoring technology comes into play. Facilities Management companies can (and do) rely on this technology to remotely alert them to:
- Quality of incoming fuel deliveries.
- Sudden increase in contamination and water content.
- Pump starvation / flow loss.
- Pressure increases.
- Specific & common fault warnings.
It’s well known that sometimes the quality of fuel being delivered to site can be questionable. The automatic thought is new fuel equal clean. But we know this isn’t the case. IPU’s Cloud Monitoring technology can alert you when fuel quality is poor, meaning you’re not risking running your engines on dirty fuel.
Cloud based technology is not just the latest ‘fad’ – it is the future. Yearly global cloud based spending will reach over £450 billion in 2020. The ability to view data from anywhere in the world will soon become the norm. That’s why cloud based fuel management, and cloud based technology fitted on to fuel polishing units should be the new standard. IPU are leading the way of giving this to the market.
What benefits can cloud integration offer?
- Remote monitoring of system parameters with set alarm triggers: P,T,Q etc
- Advance notification for service scheduling/filter blockage.
- Fault diagnosis is advance of downtime.
- Trend fuel cleanliness in real-time.
- Alter to contaminated in-coming fuel deliveries.
- Offer advanced notification of fuel deterioration.
- Minimise site disruption with only necessary visits, and with the right equipment.
What does IPU’s cloud fuel monitoring look like?
Cloud monitoring in practice
We recently installed a fuel polishing system at a critical, unmanned facility.
The operators, based over 300 miles from site, needed to monitor fuel cleanliness remotely and in-real time.
We installed the required calibrated sensors and then integrated these into our Cloud portal, giving our customer current, accurate, secure and confidential data.
By monitoring these essential parameters, our customer could control the following:
- the quality of incoming fuel deliveries.
- fluctuations in fuel quality over time.
- scheduled servicing and maintenance.
Our customer also managed to save over £250k last year alone, by implementing remote monitoring into their Fuel Management systems.